Do you struggle when it comes to painting? Then look no further as we have 12 helpful tips for your next exterior painting project.


1. Preparation
It is important not to forget to prepare the surface, cleaning it all of dirt and debris. A power sprayer is the best way of doing this and these can be rented if you do not already own one.

2. Paint quality
When it comes to paint, cost almost always equals quality. The more expensive paints are thicker, containing more pigments, so buy the best paint that you are able to budget for,or you will regret it later.

3. Paint types
There are two main paint types, water-based latex and oil-based alkyd. Do some research so that you know which paint type is right for you, generally speaking water-based latex is quicker drying and easier to apply, whereas alkyd is more durable but requires more care and attention when applying.

4. Weather
Try to plan your painting around the weather. You do not want to paint when it is raining, as this can ruin a fresh coat. Additionally, you don’t want to paint when it is very cold, as this can also affect the finish.

5. Read the label
This may be the most obvious of our top 12 helpful tips for the next exterior painting project , but ensure that you read the label on the tin before you start painting, paying particular note to the guidelines advising how best to apply.

6. Nailheads
If you are working on an exterior painting project that has raised nailheads on the surface, then a top tip is to grab a hammer and ensure they are all nailed below the surface and filled with putty before beginning.

7. From the top
Start painting from the top and work your way down so that wet paint does not run on to the already painted surface below.

8. Wet to wet
Along the same lines as the above, try to paint one wet surface on to another to ensure the best finish.

 9. Use brush and roller

When it comes to using a brush or a roller, we recommend using both. The roller is great for larger areas, while the brush comes into its own in tighter and more intricate areas.

10. Ladder safety
Only use a ladder if you are sure that it is safe and reliable.

11. Don’t rush
Leave yourself plenty of time, if you rush you are more likely to make mistakes.

12. Hire professionals
It goes without saying that painting your home’s exterior is a big job which takes a lot of time and energy.  If you can’t, or don’t want to undertake such an involved project, call professional painters for your next exterior painting project.  They will have all of the right materials, be able to advise you on the best paint for your home and complete the job quickly, safely and neatly.