When it comes to decorating your bedroom, it is important to first have a plan. When you do it without a plan, you make several errors which ruin the appeal of your room. Here are four common decorating mistakes that you cannot afford to make if you are serious about the charm of your bedroom.


4 Decorating Mistakes That Can Ruin The Appeal of Your Bedroom

Poorly Painted Walls

Painting is not just about taking the paint colours of your choice and applying them on walls and ceiling- painting is more than that. To create a great ambience in your room, you should select the best shades, use quality paint equipment, and apply the paint skillfully in the right proportion. As you are not a pro, it will be difficult for you to do these things rightly, so hire expert painters Richmond.

Wrong Wallpapers

Wall-papers are meant to add personality to a room. Using the right wallpapers, you can add a punch of your personality to your room. So, you should not become lazy while selecting wallpapers for your room. You should do comprehensive research about available options and choose the wallpaper that suits both your personal style and room.

Wrong Curtains, Bedsheets, and Fabric Furniture

The curtains, bedsheets, and furniture fabric should match your room’s appeal. If you have different bedsheets, curtains, and different fabric on your furniture, you should replace them with the right ones. While buying newcurtains, bedsheets, and furniture fabric, you should make sure the material, colour, and pattern should suit your personality and the aesthetic appeal you are aiming for in your bedroom.

Wrong Lighting

Lighting fixtures and lighting have a great influence on the appeal of your room. They can make or break your room. You should select the right lighting fixtures and light bulbs for your room. An important point to consider is, you should install the lighting fixtures at the right place.

To make a smart decoration plan for your room, you can take help of décor magazines or an interior designer.