Painting your home is a lengthy task that requires a lot of effort and creativity on your part. Most people tend to think that they can take the job of re-painting their homes and finish it all by themselves, but it is highly advised to seek the assistance of professional painters in Vancouver. They not only help you in painting your home, but also make it a smoother and easier task for you.
When you decide to paint your home all by yourself, usually, the end product is not likely similar to what you have imagined. Some of the nooks and crannies are sore for the eyes, common precautions that should be taken are overlooked, and the outcome is rather unpleasant. So, if you are planning to take up the task to paint your home, learn about common paint problems that you should avoid to get similar results as you would from an experienced painting service in Vancouver.
Common paint problems that you might encounter
The following are the most commonly occurring paint problems faced during DIY projects:
- Deciding on what colour to choose becomes one of the most difficult tasks. Considering painting the home and official spaces with exquisite themes have become a fad so, it is not unlikely that you find yourself stuck with the colour guide book.
- Bubbles on the wall might appear when you are painting. It is one of the most common issues that most people face while they are painting their homes.
- Drips or thick streaks of paint usually form on walls or ceilings, which give them an unfinished look.
- Brush marks on walls while painting can be accounted for the most conventional problem. The whole appearance of the wall looks shabby and scruffy.
- Flaking or peeling paint is also a common issue that can cost you a lot of money and time.
- Yellowing of paint is yet another issue you can face. Also, the growth of mildew or mould can occur if you have not prepared the wall for paint thoroughly.
- If you are painting your home by yourself, you might come across the issue of wrinkling of paint, which looks uneven and can chip off easily.
Generally, it is advised that you should consult a professional painting company in Vancouver before you begin this task. But if you want to know how you can avoid them, read on!
ALSO READ: How to Deal with Peeling Paint of Walls and Ceiling
How to avoid these problems?
The following solutions can help you in avoiding the above painting issues:
- Consult a professional colour consultant to decide the colour scheme according to the structure and all the tangible and intangible aspects.
- Bubbles appear if you paint on a moist surface or high humidity, so it is better to avoid painting under such circumstances.
- Drips and streaks occur if you use a lot of paint on the brush in one go.
- Brush marks appear by using poor painting techniques or too much paint on the brush in one go.
- Flaking or peeling occurs if the wall in not properly sanded and primed before putting on the paint coat.
- Yellowing of paint happens if the wall receives no sunlight at all. Use acrylic paints for such areas.
- Wrinkling happens if you apply a second coat on the first coat without drying it completely.
Unfortunately, avoiding these issues is easier said than done. At Budget and Save Painters, we make sure to provide you with a seamless experience, ensuring that your home is repainted as per your imagination. Get in touch with our team of expert painters in Vancouver today.