If you are planning on painting your home to add a new appeal to it, then it is important for you to explore all the possible choices to get the best paints and other required painting materials. You cannot afford to take anything for granted if you are serious about giving the best possible appearance to your home.

Paint is the most important element of the painting job, so you must be extra careful in choosing your paints. You should not take the same approach that most people do – they go to the store and ask for branded paints in their favorite colours, or whatever is on sale. They do this because they don’t have much knowledge about paints. They often don’t know anything more about paints except they are available in multiple colours.

painter in North Vancouver

Types of Paints

As a better approach, you should first obtain information about different types of paints available on the market. You should know their pros and cons and then make your choice regarding the type of the paint you will use. Once you are sure about the paint type, then you should focus on the colours you need. In this blog, we are going to talk about water-based paints.

Water-based paints are also known as latex paints. These paints have many pros and cons and we will discuss some of them in this blog. Let’s begin with their pros.


1. Being water-based, these paints are easy to deal with.

2. These paints are non-flammable.

3. Water-based paints effectively deal with mildew.

4. These paints dry quickly.

5. Water-based paints don’t crack.

6. Water-based paints have no strong odor.

7. They are easy to clean. You can clean them up with soap and water.


1. They are sensitive to temperature changes.

2. Being softer, their outer coating is prone to peeling.

3. The wall needs to be properly cleaned to get the best results from these paints.

4. You will need a primer to get the best finish.

If you are still unsure about water-based paints, you can talk about them with your paint seller. They will explain to you about the different types of paints available on the market and which one you should go with. An expert painter can also help you in choosing the right paints for your home.

We are experienced painters in North Vancouver. We are committed to providing the best quality painting solutions.