Wall painting can be a daunting task especially when you are not prepared for it properly. The ideal painting job is one where the majority of the hard work is done prior to initiating the paintwork. If a surface, be it exterior or interior, is poorly prepped it will only ruin the final look resulting in disappointment. Whereas, a well-prepped surface will not only make the wall look finely painted but also leave the painters with utmost satisfaction.
Since prepping for paintwork is fundamental, here are 4 basic tips for the exterior paint prep projects to go quicker, look finer and cost less.
The Steps To Prep the Exterior for Painting
#1 Ladders and Scaffold Setup
Multi-story work can often be seen in exterior paint projects. Thus, having a ladder or even a scaffold to enhance the reach and work safely will be essential.
However, setting up a ladder or scaffold outdoors is more difficult than indoors as the stability of the ground will have to be taken into consideration. A ladder that stands strong on a concrete driveway may sink into moist dirt as soon as weight or any sort of pressure is put onto it.
What’s worse? The ladder may not even move until the height of the painter is almost 10 feet or more in the air.
#2 Remove or Tape Around Obstacles
When painting exteriors, there might be certain items that need to be saved from the paint such as outlet boxes, utility heads, or racks. This is where a painter’s tape can help.
As per the nature of the item, either taping around them or simply removing them will be the two options to consider during the painting course. Doing this will allow the painter to keep his momentum while painting so the work is faster and better.
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#3 Sanding and Scraping
The most crucial prep stages are sanding and scraping. If the surface is unpainted, a quick prep will work. However, previously painted surfaces will require scraping off of loose and flaking paint with the edges sanded flush.
This is a tedious process but very essential to get the paint right. Painting over flaking paint will cause the new paint to flake off while avoiding the sanding process which will leave huge, unpleasant “divot” areas on the surface.
#4 Work Out for Spills
A basic prep stage, but one that can save a person from extra hassle. Before beginning to paint, ensure that there is something at hand to clean up spills. If latex paint is being used then water and clean cloth will work. But if it’s an oil or enamel-based paint then you’ll be needing mineral spirits or the thinner suggested by the paint manufacturer.
In the End
Painting is definitely a demanding job and requires good amounts of preparation for the outcome to be pleasing. For all those planning to get their exteriors or interiors painted but are hesitant to work on their own, Budget & Save Painters is the ultimate solution.
Budget & Save Painters is known for having qualified, skillful painters in Vancouver who can turn dull, unsightly walls to better and beautiful. What’s more? It’s a highly experienced company so customers’ homes are in safe hands. Thus, experience a great sense of style and decor with the best painting company in Vancouver!