Painting can give your home a fresh look, a look that can fill up your mind with positivity. There are many painting myths that some times influence our decisions about painting our homes. It is important to make our decision based on facts only. That is only possible if you do research and contact a painting expert– that expert will tell you the facts and help you make the right decision.


Painting Companies in Vancouver

In this blog, we are going to discuss three common myths about painting that can affect your painting decision:

You Should Avoid Painting Your Home if a Woman is Pregnant in Your Home

Earlier, paints were harmful for not only pregnant women, but the people performing the job. So, if a woman was pregnant, then she was sent to a relative’s home to say. The reason was because highly harmful elements were used to manufacture the paints. But, today the case is different. Today most paints are safe for pregnant women as well as painters. So, the pregnant woman can live inside when painting contractors are performing their job. But, it is important that the home has a proper ventilation system. However, it would be better to talk to the painting contractors about using safe paints in your home so that no one’s health is harmed.

All the Paints and Painting Materials are the Same

No, they are not the same. Various types of paints are available in the market. For example, water-based paints and oil-based paints. Similarly, different types of painting materials are also available in the market. You should do a comprehensive study about them before making your choice. Otherwise, you should have a proper discussion with sales person about different options available at their store.

All the Painting Companies Are the Same

Can two individuals be same? No. Then how can two companies be similar? Companies are made of people, and the people create the difference. If you get one room in your home painted from a newbie and another room from a skilled and experienced painter, you will notice the difference.

To sum up, you should contact an expert painting company to make your painting decision. If you are in Vancouver, give us a call- we will help you make a well-informed decision.