Wallpapers & paint, both are used to enhance the look of your home. But, which one is the best option for you? Here’s a quick guide to help you decide…
When it comes to wallpapers and paints, there are pros and cons to each option. In this article, you are going to learn how one stands better than the other.
So without further ado, let’s learn about which of them can be an excellent choice for your home & offices.
Paints typically have a less upfront cost than wallpaper. A gallon of paint usually costs about $30, while a single roll of wallpaper can start at $30 and go up from there. So if you are looking for an affordable option, paint is the way to go. High-quality paints last longer; however, they are relatively expensive. The cheaper ones may require a touchup from time to time. When we talk about painting, there are additional supplies such as rollers, tape, paint trays, brushes, and floor & furniture protection which can add more to the overall price. But all in all, if you want to pay once and rest easy, paint is the way to go. With wallpapers, you will often have to consider changing them based on the design of your home.
Wallpaper is usually more difficult to install than paint. If you are not comfortable with putting up wallpaper yourself, you will need to hire a professional to do it for you. On the other hand, painting is a relatively easy DIY project. However, if you want a professional to do it for you, that option is available as well. Comparatively, paints are easier to apply, and with the help of a professional, you can get the best application within no time.
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When it comes to durability, paint wins hands down. With proper installation and care, wallpaper can last for years. But Paint, on the other hand, will not easily start to show signs of wear and tear even after a number of years. Wallpaper normally lasts as much as up to fifteen years but paint can go beyond.
Wallpapers also can have peel-offs and observe cracks over time but with a few minor touch-ups using a small amount of glue, they can be transformed back to their original state; however, you won’t have to experience such problems with a paint whatsoever.
When it comes to selection, wallpaper has the upper hand. There are thousands of different patterns and styles of wallpaper to choose from. Paint is more limited in its selection, but there are still thousands of colours to choose from. Wallpaper also has the advantage of being able to be customized to your specific taste.
So, which one should you choose? The answer depends on your needs and preferences. At Budget & Save Painters, we recommend that you consult with our professional painters in Vancouver to get the best results for your home. Talk to one of our professionals. Let us help you with making a quick decision.