If you have vinyl siding which looks old, musty and worn out due to weather changes, you’d want to get it revamped to enhance the exterior of your home. But are you confused about whether you could paint it or not? Yes, you can always grab some paint and repaint it to give your place a new look.
Changing the vinyl siding completely may also sound like a good idea, but it will cost you more. If the sidings are still intact and undamaged, there is no point in investing a huge amount in changing the whole exterior.
You can always do a DIY painting project, but vinyl sidings require special care and a lot of time to paint. So, if you don’t have any experience of painting the sidings, it is better to hire a trained professional painting contractor in Vancouver. Hiring an experienced painter will save your time and have a massive impact on the results of the project.
How to Paint the Vinyl Siding?
Vinyl sidings are a sensible, popular, and budget-friendly option for most homeowners. To you’re your home a pleasant change, you can paint them easily.
The following are some tips to help you with the painting process:
- Clean the Sidings: Whenever you start a repainting project, make sure that you clean the surface thoroughly so that all the dirt, grime, and mildew is cleaned before you put on the fresh coat of paint. If you don’t clean the surface, the paint that you are applying will appear dull and muted.
- Checking For Damages: As the home’s exterior faces the most extreme weather changes, it tends to get damaged easily. So before painting the sidings, always check if they have any moisture damage or any sort of growth. If yes, then instead of the painting, you have to change the sidings completely.
- Prepping is Important: It is necessary to prepare the surface before applying any paint on it, as prepping will give you the best results and will also protect the surface for a long time.
- Apply Primer: Never forget to apply primer on the vinyl sidings. Primer will protect the sidings and also helps the paint to stick to the surface more smoothly.
- Using the Right Paint: Always use paint that is suitable for the sidings and can endure the weather changes. Mostly, latex urethane formulated paint is suitable for exteriors.
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Appointing a professional for the task
While painting the vinyl siding, always keep in mind to check for the damages first. Also, check the siding warranty as most of the manufacturers will not entertain you if you change the colour of the sidings. Additionally, the exterior painting takes a lot of time to complete, and it is difficult to do it all by yourself as it requires skills and techniques and has subsequent dangers attached to it. So, it is advised to hire a professional painter for the job.
At Budget and Save Painters, we provide top-notch vinyl siding painting services all over Vancouver. If you are planning to paint the vinyl sidings of your home, we are just a call away.